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Create a model given a training dataset using multilinear regression.


sig_trainmlr_tool [--ds DS] [--modeltype MODELTYPE] [--grp_landmark GRP_LANDMARK] [--dependents DEPENDENTS] [--cid CID] [--xform XFORM] [--precision PRECISION] [--outfmt OUTFMT]


--ds DS : Input dataset that includes both landmarks and resulting outputs.

--modeltype MODELTYPE : String. Regression model to be used: pinv_int - Linear Regression with an intercept. pinv - Linear Regression. All best fits lines pass through origin. . Default is pinv_int. Options are {pinv_int|pinv}

--grp_landmark GRP_LANDMARK : GRP file containing identifiers for landmark genes. Must correspond to the row-ids in DS

--dependents DEPENDENTS : GRP file containing identifiers for dependent genes to infer. Must correspond to row-ids in DS and be mutually exclusive from the landmarks.

--cid CID : GRP file of column ids (samples) in DS to use for training.

--xform XFORM : String. Specify any transformations to apply to data prior to training. Default is none. Options are {none|log2|abs|pow2|zscore}

--precision PRECISION : Integer. Level of precision (decimal places) for output model weights.. Default is 6

--outfmt OUTFMT : Model Output format. Default is gctx. Options are {mat|gct|gctx}


This tool takes as input a training dataset (genes x samples) containing expression values for a specified set of predictor (landmark) genes and some number of dependent genes and builds a multiple linear regression (MLR) model. The model can be applied to a new dataset using the SIG_TESTMLR_TOOL to infer the expression of the dependent genes based on landmark expression.


  • Create a model from training data and landmark GRP file.

sig_trainmlr_tool --ds 'training_data.gctx' --grp_landmark 'landmark.grp'

  • Create a model for a subset of dependent genes.

sig_trainmlr_tool --ds 'training_data.gctx' --grp_landmark 'landmark.grp' --dependents 'subset.grp'

  • Perform z-scoring prior to creating model.

sig_trainmlr_tool --ds 'training_data.gctx' --grp_landmark 'landmark.grp' --xform 'zscore'